Free Project Management tools, learning and social features
What is ProMablocks?
ProMablocks is a platform for project management. It offers a standard set of project management tools (blocks) in combination with various learning and social features. The idea behind ProMablocks is grouping together those tools that you need for managing your project, into one single place. This allows you to quickly access any part of your project and manage it. The tools that you need, depend on the nature of your project. ProMablocks offers a standard set of tools, which can easily be expanded or modified. Besides managing your project, ProMablocks offers various ways to get in contact with other users and learn about project management in general.
Is it free?
Yes it is. And you do not have to sign up for it either. So no need to provide any personal data and therefore no privacy issues or spamming.
How does it work?
As you can see here, the ProMablocks website offers various learning and social features which are not directly related to your projects. You can access a set of tools by downloading the ProMablocks application from the download page. The downloaded data package (zip file) contains a website (html file) with links to various project management tools (excel files). When you open this application, you will find entries to project management tools on the left, and the website features on the right. All of your project data is stored wherever you unpacked the downloaded data. Once downloaded, you are in complete control over the access to the data inside the ProMablocks application. ProMablocks does not have access to any of your project data.
Is it Good?ProMablocks is mainly based on the standards and methodologies of the Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI)®, the world’s largest not-for-profit membership association for the project management profession. This institute publishes a book called A Guide to the Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), a globally recognized standard providing a set of project management guidelines, terminology and processes. You can order a copy of this book in our shop.
“PMI”, the PMI logo and "PMBOK" are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.
What makes it stand out?
10 advantages of ProMablocks at a glance:
1. It is free of charge. Both the set of tools and the additional features on the website. 2. You do not have to sign up. So no need to provide any personal data. 3. You are in complete control over the access to your project data. 4. You decide if you work offline or online. 5. It is based on a well established project management methodology. 6. It offers a complete package of standard tools, designed to manage any part of any project. 7. Its use is not limited regarding topic or budget. It can be used to manage any project. 8. Besides project management tools, it offers various learning and social features. 9. No complicated installation process. All it takes is unpacking a downloaded data package. 10. No need for any specialized software knowledge. It is mainly based on Microsoft Excel. |